Hello! (it's me)
My name is Roberta Cavaliere and I'm an illustrator and designer based in Milan, Italy.
After graduating in Industrial Design at the Sapienza University of Rome, I attended the SRF-Scuola Romana dei Fumetti (Roman School of Comics) and I have obtained a Master in Illustration at the MiMaster in Milan in 2018.
I'm specialized in illustration for children and drawing especially for picture books, comics and games, but I'm always open to new challenges and experiments.
I'm passionate about expressions, puns and I'm addicted to lists. I love funny dogs, plants and carbohydrates.
Giunti - Edizioni Centro Studi Erickson - Sanoma - the Walt Disney Company - Ikea - LiBer - AMEMI (Mondadori Store Magazine) - Piece&Love - Carie Letterarie - La Nottola - Dalla Finestra - Ars Maris
Giunti / "Iole non lo sa" by Alice Keller (2024)
Edizioni Centro Studi Erickson / "Ho finito e ora?" by Beatrice Pontalti classe Prima ITA e MATE (2024)
Sanoma / Guida CeDisma (2022); Sussidiari Quarta e Quinta elementare (2024)
Cattivi Villains / Catalogo mostra by Ivan Canu, Giacomo Benelli (2022)
Piece&Love / Puzzle www.findpieceandlove.it (2021)
La Nottola / Number 4, www.lanottolarivista. com (2021)
Dalla Finestra / www.4graph.it (2020)
Roro and the rainbow pancakes written by Anne Delima, Amazon Publishing (2019)
Carie Letterarie / Special n°1 - Mimaster (2018); Special Black&White (2019)
AMEMI - Mondadori Store Magazine / Cover "Amemi piace leggere" (2018)
LiBeR - libri per bambini e ragazzi / Number 118 (2018)